Kay and Bertie Edwards Elgin ****** M****** ****** St ***** Jamaica
Dear Gary and the Mortgage Shop,
Now we are settled in our new Jamaican home (see picture below!), I thought it would be a good idea to write to you and let you know how grateful we are for all the years of excellent financial advice given by you and your competent staff.
Looking back over the last 5 years, we can truly say, that without your help, we would not be where we are now - living in this 'mansion' in paradise…. (It's a long way from a bungalow in Chingford, eh?)
The speed and efficiency in which you have arranged mortgages, life cover and other savings plans over those years have been second to none. Your advice has been excellent, and as you know, we have benefited from not only good mortgage deals, be also a couple of windfalls from organisations who had floated / demutualised. We feel very grateful that we stumbled on you and your company (I think it was your advert in the Enfield Advertiser that did it!!) all those years ago. Can't imagine where we would be now, if we hadn't rang you that day for some information about a second mortgage!!!
We hope that our relationship continues to grow…. The world of new technology and email will serve to enhance it….and we have no doubt that we will continue to receive the same efficient service and advice via email, as we did by phone, letter or fax, as I did when we were in England
Don't really think we can thank you and your staff enough… we are truly grateful. And remember, if ever you need to get away from giving all that brilliant advise for a few weeks, come and visit us in Jamaica.
Regards and Best Wishes
Kay and Bertie Edwards

Shameless Plug BELOW :-)
If you want excellent attention to your mortgage needs too call us now on FREEPHONE 0800 092 0800, lines operating 7 days a week or click this linkhttp://www.mortgageshop.com/mortgage-enquiry