Paul Bibby Customer Testimonial / Client Review - Client Rating
17.20 27/10/2017, you wrote:
Happy Finance Client Chat Feedback


Paul was trying to get into the UK property market and was worried that he would be locked out at a level too low to get the property that he needed. We were more than happy to help him with the tricky lender involvements and although quite a complicated mortgage we arranged this with a High Street lender at a very competitive rate.


Paul was happy to use our mortgage shop chat system to keep himself updated as much as possible and at irregular hours too, as his feedback confirms :-)

Our Cheapest Adverse Credit Mortgages are available due to our access of all UK lenders operating and gives unlimited range of rates.



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If you want excellent attention to your mortgage needs too call us now on FREEPHONE 0800 092 0800, lines operating 7 days a week or click this link


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