Mortgage Shop Freephone 0800 092 0800, Independent Mortgage Financial Advisers
Mortgage Type
Rate Type
Rate (%) Period
APRC (%) Monthly
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Buy to Let Fixed 4.15% 2 Years 75 9.16 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 4.18% 2 Years 75 9.16 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 4.56% 4 Years 75 7.96 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 4.60% 1 Years 60 7.36 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 4.76% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 4.83% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 4.90% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 4.90% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 4.95% 2 Years 75 8.66 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 4.95% 5 Years 75 8.06 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 4.95% 5 Years 75 9.36 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.00% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.10% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.15% 5 Years 75 7.86 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.15% 5 Years 75 8.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.15% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.15% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.24% 4 Years 75 7.86 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 5.25% 2 Years 75 7.96 £ Minor
Buy to Let Fixed 5.25% 5 Years 75 7.86 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.25% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.25% 5 Years 75 8.06 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.28% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.30% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.35% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.35% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.45% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.45% 5 Years 75 8.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.45% 5 Years 75 9.06 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.45% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.45% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.50% 5 Years 75 8.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.50% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.55% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.55% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.61% 5 Years 75 7.76 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.65% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.65% 5 Years 75 9.56 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.65% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.70% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.70% 5 Years 75 9.16 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.70% 5 Years 75 8.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.75% 5 Years 75 7.96 £ None
Buy to Let Fixed 5.75% 5 Years 75 9.26 £ None
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