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Financial Reporter - What are the pros and cons of fintech vs high street lenders? - brokers react

Financial Reporter - What are the pros and cons of fintech vs high street lenders? - brokers react

PR platform asked mortgage brokers and financial services tech experts how fintech lenders compare to traditional high street lenders, e.g. what their strengths and potential weaknesses are, if they are stronger in any particular areas, and how much business they place with fintech lenders versus the high street. Some were very skeptical, saying “fintech is the biggest con going” and that the term is used to “establish eye-watering valuations”, while others said fintech lenders “bring a lot to the table” and that “most standard mortgages can go through fintech lenders quite well”.

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Link to Original Article: Financial Reporter - What are the pros and cons of fintech vs high street lenders? - brokers react